/green, yellow, orange, pink, white, and everything nice
How can a scene be colorless yet full of color and life? Maybe it is the spinning of the earth, the changing of seasons, or the dumb luck of an artist that makes us witness the dichotomous harmony of nature. The sun didn’t come out. It just had one of those days when all you want to do is lie under the sheets and stare into the nothingness of the grey abyss. Yet the flowers beamed cheerfully at him hidden behind the veil of thick grey clouds it often uses as a blanket.
A bird sang. A warm breeze wafted through the trees and lifted the heads of the flowers, carrying their scent away through the canals. An insect droned past on its way to do whatever it is that insects do in the late afternoon. The sound of voices lilted through the trees followed a moment later by you who stopped in surprise at the sight of this quaint house from your boat.
You flick the throttle in the opposite direction to suspend your motion in a floating state, a super slow motion if you will. And you stare. Just like the sun. And even a bleak day like this seems visually stimulating. As though the flowers and the plants weren’t just colors but part of a language, notes in a glorious floral melody, as powerful as Bach, silently communicating the breathtaking majesty of life itself.
cold, dark, grey, and filled with vice|
green, yellow, orange, pink, white, and everything nice
oh, how balanced is human life…